Space, time, artefacts, warmth of textures and shades.
A lived space, lived time, artefacts that contain memories as portals to all of our other dimensions.

Resin based inks, golden foil on pure premium cotton paper.

Solar Prominence

Sun, fire element is one of the most powerful divinities of all folklore. It is impulsive, creative and generous. Fire is a life giving energy and heat, intensity and illumination.

You can get a limited edition of fine art print of Solar Prominence at Cinque Rosso gallery.

Resin based inks, golden foil on pure premium bamboo paper.

fire element artworks and details

Rituals create space, space creates time.

What is a ritual? A repetition, a celebration, a possibility of a comeback, a reassuring journey, a path to timeless value. Instrumentally, rituals are our gestures, habits, links to the roots, heritage. Rituals give us a tangible comprehension of self as well as the space as our extension.
A travel, a homeland, a room of a hotel, a restaurant, - all those places leave traces on our mental bodies as much as we leave traces upon them.
Interiors commemorate our gestures and allow us to stay within a safe space of repeated movements, habits, turning them into a celebration of our reality.

Laputa” - resin based inks and ecoline on pure cotton paper with golden foil elements in its beautiful home.

Laputa is inspired by a mythological flying island, a metaphor for a parallel reality, a dreamscape, access to which is granted only to the true dreamers or seekers.

"Laputa" detail. Resin based ink, ecoline, golden foil on pure cotton paper

"Laputa". Resin based ink, ecoline, golden foil on pure cotton paper

"Laputa" detail. Resin based ink, ecoline, golden foil on pure cotton paper

"Laputa" detail. Resin based ink, ecoline, golden foil on pure cotton paper

We don’t miss places, we miss who we have been in them, our previous selves. It is not the mirror that reflects you, but all the space, all that surrounds you and connects within that thinnest layer of atoms…
Your walks and gestures, guided by the shape of the room and furniture, that with time, turn into habits. Habits, rituals, point of return.

Artworks are charged objects. They contain the artists energy, but also with days and centuries passing by they accumulate the viewers thought…they become watched, spoken about, they grow into another entity.

“The elements” is made in resin based inks on 100% cotton paper.

This artwork is created in an intuition based technique titled “gesture painting”, where the inks are being spilled onto the liquid surface where the artist guides them, but leaves the paint to transform further following its potential.

“The elements”.  Resin based inks on 100% cotton paper.

“The elements” detail.  Resin based inks on 100% cotton paper.

“The elements” detail.  Resin based inks on 100% cotton paper.

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